Distribute flyers in high-traffic areas or events

Handing out flyers in bustling areas or at events is a straightforward way to reach loads of people quickly. It's great for businesses on a budget, but targeting might be hit or miss. Expect a bit of wasted paper and effort.


  • Cost-effective: Distributing flyers is generally cheaper compared to many digital marketing methods.
  • Tangible impact: Flyers provide something physical that recipients can hold onto and reference later.
  • Local targeting: Flyers can be distributed in specific areas, making them ideal for local businesses.
  • Immediate reach: Flyers can deliver your message to a large number of people in a short period.
  • Versatility: Flyers can be used to promote events, sales, or new products effectively.
  • Simple execution: Little to no specialized knowledge is required to create and distribute flyers.
  • Brand visibility: Physical flyers increase brand visibility as they can be posted in various locations.


  • Limited targeting: It's hard to control who receives your flyers, leading to potential wasted distribution.
  • Environmental impact: Flyers contribute to paper waste and can be seen as environmentally unfriendly.
  • Short attention span: Many people may not take the time to read flyers and might discard them quickly.
  • Design and print costs: While distribution is cheap, initial design and printing can add up.
  • Manpower required: Effective flyer distribution often requires a significant amount of manual labor.
  • Durability issues: Flyers can be easily damaged by weather conditions or mishandling.
  • Measurement difficulty: Tracking the success and ROI of a flyer campaign can be challenging.

Place in customer funnel

Lead Gen
Cash Cost
Time Cost to Continue Activity
Learning Curve
Self Sustaining
Brand Safety